Saturday, June 15, 2013

Secrets, Seduction, Deception, Lies...and More Lies

By Ella Bradley, Writer for The Other Factor

She knew she doesn’t like him ‘like that’ but she plays along. Lisa’s been tired of men always wanting to meet up with her, be ‘friends,’ you know? She’d fallen prey to their witty game a few times before, though, that was when she was younger and naive. Now she’s older, she’s wiser and had changed lanes, from being victim to conqueror.

She studied their idiosyncrasies—of men; what makes them tick, laugh, yearn, surrender. She knows that she has the ability to make them weak in the knees, make them want her, knowing fully well she has no plans of giving in to their insatiable desire for sex.
Mike had been watching her for years, she was just a young innocent girl when he first laid eyes on her. He was getting married at the time. Then he disappeared, him and his wife. Almost two decades later, he resurfaced and found her on Facebook. She was utterly surprised, though, she remembered him. His wife’s family and hers were close friends, and Lisa was even at the wedding. He confessed his feelings for her and told her he was yearning to know her, even on his wedding day.

She was flattered, initially, but then she pulled herself together, she was all too au fait with the strategies of men, to get what they want. She knows that there are some clever men, some Casanovas, who can draw women in with their charming words and ways and untruth flattery. Not this time. She knows what seduction is, and she sees herself as a clever coquette, one that was getting ready to vanquish Mike with her charming and subtle moves.

After months of talking back and forth, they met up on a fancy island in the Caribbean. He knew she had taste, so he went the extra mile to provide exotic accommodation, first to please her and second to create the perfect atmosphere for a weekend rendezvous.

She planned her strategies. He was still married to his wife, so letting him have her was a definite no-no, and she wasn’t all that into him. She was just curious, as well as hungry to get out on a mini vacation. The walls had been closing in at home and she desperately needed to get away, clear her head, you know?

So, for the first time, after about 20 years, the two finally met. He was obviously mesmerized by her appearance, though he saw photos of her and they had spoken on the phone. He was tall and cute, small features, warm eyes and a smile to die for. She could see the passion in his eyes, confirming his confession that he felt passionately about her over all the years, though he never met her. He remembered her innocent face, her shapely figure, her light skin, pretty eyes, her innocence. That kept him going all these years, he said.

When they got to the resort, where they stayed, he grabbed her, pulled her to him and attempted to kiss her. She could feel his body shaking. She gently averted his kiss. Kissing was not on the agenda, for her. He tried again and again but with futility. He finally left her alone, not trying to kiss her, though they talked and laughed about this and that until the evening came.

“So, how did you get away from your wife?” Lisa enquired. Oh! “I told her I had a business meeting to attend.” Lisa smiled inside and thought to herself, “lies, lies, lies, you devil!” She smiled again, of the thought that she too was being cunning. She just loved it!

After touring the island’s city, they returned tothe resort. Lisa was ready to turn up the charm and drag him further and further into her web of seduction. Then she would deflate him like a punctured tyre. She smiled to herself, cunningly. Even if, she had a real ‘thing’ for him, she still would not let him onto her, after all he was married. She couldn’t do that to another woman, a wife. And she knew why.
She allowed him to hold her close, smother her neck with soft kisses, peck her lips. She stared into his eyes. They begged for her body. She smiled at him, fooling him into thinking she was being pleasured. Then, after she had had enough of enduring his lingering fingers on her hair and face, she pushed him away, suddenly! "Let’s stop. I can’t do this." He looked perplexed and disappointed. She didn’t care. She had no feelings for him. It was hard to let him touch her too. Her emotions were too entangled in her husband—yes, her husband, whom she married not so long ago. They had been having some challenges, but the usual tit and tat that married couples have. The moment she hopped on the plane to Mike, she took her rings off. Her husband must have been on his way back home by then, from dropping her off at the airport. If Mike only knew her secret, she thought, if only….

Obviously frustrated from trying unsuccessfully, Mike went to bed, only to wake up the next day to try and seduce her all over again. Lisa was gamed. She had all the power, she was in total control and ready to play on his emotions, stir his desire and confuse him, inducing him into psychological surrender, then turn away and become cold as ice. By now, she was a master at her coquetry.

In the end, nothing happened. She managed to drive him up the walls with her subtle moves, her beautiful stares, her gentle kisses and then reduce him into melting ice when she pulled away.

He had spent a wad of cash to entertain her, bought her beautiful clothes and jewellery, expensive wine, gave her exotic accommodation, drove her in fancy cars, told her how deeply he felt for her. None of that meant anything to Lisa. When it came to men, she practiced having little or no emotions for them, even for her husband, though her emotions were somewhat tangled up in him. She knew though, she had stopped loving her husband, the way she used to. But that was not a license to give herself to any other man. She never cheated and she had no intentions. Her aim was to play, you know, practice her powerful art of seduction.
Now she can put her latest victim to rest. She walked away into the sunset, basking in the joy of confidence and conquer, the one time she could fully exert the power of a woman, and win, win in the game of seduction!
Are you living a lie? Do you have a double life? Do you have a secret life? Tell us about it! Write to
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